Our products
Our story
Hello! I'm Penina Silber, an elementary school art teacher with several years of experience. During the Covid pandemic, my school underwent significant changes, one of which involved my transition to assist in the English department. As the daughter of an English teacher and a native English speaker, I embraced the challenge of teaching third-grade students.
In teaching letter recognition and vocabulary, I noticed some students struggling. To make learning more engaging and effective, I developed a method using cognates and illustrations. By integrating the actual letter into the illustration, I created a fun and memorable learning experience. This approach proved highly successful, helping students develop a strong visual memory.
Collaborating with a skilled graphic artist, we created an alphabet chart, and thus, AlphaBeta was born. We continually develop new products, including flip charts, extra-large classroom posters (also popular for decorating children's bedrooms), and smaller charts for individual student use. Future projects include memory games, coloring books, and other exciting surprises.
Covid brought many changes to our lives, and we hope for a calmer year ahead. For me, this new venture emerged from an unexpected teaching challenge. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoyed creating them.
What people say

Hanna Katten
It's a wonderful teaching aid ..The children love the colorful pictures representing the cognates. It's also a lovely poster for the children's bedroom ..

Shanit Sharabi
קיבלת את הפוסטרים המקסימים! מקווה שעוד נשתף פעולה בעתיד..
הפלקט מאוד משמש את התלמידים החלשים, ואפילו העברתי שניים למורות אחרות בצוות

Sharon Kleinerman
My students love your poster!